Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nancy Drew: The Shattered Medallion Teaser Trailer

Today I finished up The Silent Spy, and let me just say, it was a great game! Anyways, so you know how at the end of most of the Nancy Drew games they show a teaser trailer of the next game coming up? Well, since I finished The Silent Spy, I got to see a teaser trailer of the next Nancy Drew game. I'm not quite sure how to respond to it. It didn't give out much information about the upcoming game, except for the fact that it's going to take place in New Zealand. (At least that's what they lead you to believe.) But I guess they just wanted to leave ND fans in suspense. They also didn't give any information about what mystery Nancy could be solving, for all I know it probably involves a medallion of some sort, and it could very well be shattered... Well, anyway, I recorded the teaser trailer at the end of the game and posted it to YouTube. Here it is!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Game Plays

A few days ago I posted a post that talked about how I'll play some kind of non-related Nancy Drew game and do a game play of it to keep my YouTube channel busy while I work on the Nancy Drew games. That backfired. I was going to do something like New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and it was supposed to work, but it didn't. And believe me, you don't know how bad I feel because it feels like every time that I'm posting something, it's always about how I said I would do this, but I end up not doing it mostly because of technical difficulties. With that being said, there are no technical difficulties with the Nancy Drew games, so that's an upside. I do feel like the boy that cried wolf in a sense because, I keep saying one thing, but I don't do it, so it's not really true. Now I know that you're probably thinking, "How does that relate to the boy that cried wolf? Because that doesn't make sense." Well, in my mind it does! So... yeah, I thought that I would just inform you that I do in case feel bad about not getting the things that I said I would get done, done! I wanted to make sure that you guys didn't think that I was just lying around and doing nothing productive, when in fact, I have. With that being said,  I've recently been enjoying a game called Medal of Honor, but I've mostly played muktiplayer on it. Well... yeah, some of my life in 41 seconds,  hope you enjoyed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


So I was thinking since I'm taking so long with the Nancy Drew videos, I'll just start uploading playthroughs of New Super Mario Bros. Wii. In the meantime I'll still be working on my Nancy Drew videos and I'll be keeping my YouTube channel more occupied with new uploads. However, once I get a sturdier schedule for my Nancy Drew playthroughs and I actually start uploading Nancy Drew videos, I'm going to delete the New Super Mario Bros. Wii videos and any other possible videos that I upload and aren't Nancy Drew related.

Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy Official Trailer

Yesterday the official trailer for the upcoming Nancy Drew game, The Silent Spy, was released. After seeing this trailer, I'm even more excited than I was before to start playing this game. I didn't even know that was possible!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Poster, Name and Length of Special Revealed!

If you don't care about Doctor Who related stuff, then you probably won't care to read this post. Anyways, I was on my Facebook this morning and I liked the BBC page for Doctor Who so I get updates on the Doctor Who stuff. Well, I was looking through Facebook and I saw that the 50th Anniversary poster for Doctor Has been revealed! I need to get one in my room!
BBC has also released the name of the episode, which you can see on the poster, and the length of this special episode. It will be 75 minutes long and the name of the episode will be called The Day of the Doctor. It will premier on the 23rd of November this year, which will be the actual anniversary day of the show, and I just hope that I can go to someone's house to watch it on BBC America! (I use an antenna, therefore I don't have BBC America.) Whoohoo!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Still Working

So I'm still working on editing a playthrough, but I noticed that the sound quality isn't as good as the latest demos that I've uploaded to YouTube so far. It isn't bad, but it's just not as loud and I'm afraid that people are going to notice the difference between the latest demos and the other playthroughs that I'm going to be uploading in the close future and be annoyed with the sound difference. What do you think, should I be worried or am I just over thinking this?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy Artwork Revealed!

Nancy Drew: The Silent Spy cover artwork was revealed today! I think that the artwork looks pretty neat. I can't wait to see where this next Nancy Drew adventure takes me!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sound Card Up and Running!

I got my sound card to finally work so I can finish up my video editing. However, I think I need a new computer mouse because the one I currently have is starting to glitch a lot. So if I were to record right now with my mouse in its current state, it wouldn't look too good. On the bright side I do have a nice spare mouse, but I don't know if it's necessary to pull that out right now because I might be able to fix my current mouse. Also, lately I've been kind of disconnected from the internet world in terms of my blogs, my YouTube, Twitter, etc. I'm going to fix that. I'll try to tweet more often, right entries on my blogs more often, update my Facebook page more often, and work more on recording, edited, and uploading my videos to YouTube.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Daily Dose of Nancy Drew and Humble Origin Bundle

So as you've probably noticed, I haven't been getting by daily dose of Nancy Drew video games. Luckly, I have an excuse. My sound card is dead. I'm starting to think that fate doesn't want me to do Nancy Drew video playthroughs because, to be quite frank, I never had computer issues until I started doing Nancy Drew playthroughs. That's not going to stop me though. I am in the middle of editing a Nancy Drew playthough video at the moment, or course it's not exciting that much because it's just a demo. I could edit it on another computer but I'm afraid some kind of setting might change on the video editor that will then change the video up a little bit without me knowing it. And just in case you were wondering, yes, it requires sound for me to edit the video that I want to edit. I would also like to announce a lovely little deal I found while I was looking around on It's a bundle of 6 games (Action/Adventure type deal) that you can buy for a total of (your price here.) That's right you get to choose your price! It can't be anything under a dollar, which is what I paid, and you split up the money that you paid for the game for different charities and the Humble tip (If you want to include a Humble tip.)These games are only the downloadable copies, not the physical copies. You have the choice of either downloading the games for Origin, or, for Steam. One game can only be downloaded for Origin though. If you pay at least $4.71 for the bundle then you also get the codes for Battlefield 3 and The Sims 3 Starter Pack. (Those two games can only be downloaded through Origin.) Now, some of these games aren't the type of games that I would do playthroughs for, as they are too violent or just not something that I would do for my YouTube channel. For more information on the Humble Origin Bundle, just click this.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Update on Sadness

Well if you've read my last post then you'll know why the title of this post is what it is. I finally got a reply from the company of Action! Their reply did not make my happy in any way. Here's what they said, "Sadly there's no possibility to retrieve your videos. Due technical reasons Action! is deleting the videos permanently. Every file delete try is confirmed by a pop-up window that asks you if you really want to delete your selected files."

I think I'm crying on the inside.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tale of Woe

So I use this screen recorder called Action!, and I absolutely love it! However, I found out the hard way this morning that this is a flaw to it. I was finishing off the Nancy Drew demos because, well, it's about time I finish them. All I needed to do was record the Shadow at the Water's Edge demo. So, I started to record. Well, somewhere along the way I messed up so I stopped recording and went to the Action! dashboard where I was going to delete that one clip. I right clicked that one clip, and here's that one flaw, well, the menu thing showed up. At the top it said delete selected file, and directly below it was an option of deleting ALL files. I was in a hurry and clicked what I thought was the first choice, delete selected file. Wrong. I actually clicked the second option, delete all files, but I didn't even realize it. A box showed up that asked if I really wanted to delete all the videos, but that same box always shows up when I want to delete one video, so I didn't read it. Nope, I just automatically pushed yes, and that's when everything disappeared. At first I just thought "darn it", but I wasn't too unhappy because I just thought that I could go into the recycle bin and restore the clips. Well, here's the other flaw of this program. When you delete something from it, it saves you the trouble and effort of going into the recycle bin and clicking delete all by yourself by permanently deleting it for you. That's when I started to panic. I quickly emailed to company - and still waiting for a reply, then I went onto the internet to look at programs that would restore "permanently" deleted files. I found a pretty good one, but to no avail. It found all these other files that have been deleted from the recycle bin except for the files I needed... the videos! Now I'm pretty depressed because I spent some time trying to record all 6 of those demos and now they're gone. You might be thinking that they're just demos, and they'll be easy to complete, but even though that may be true, I wanted all of those demos to be as perfect as I could have possibly made them. Now I have to re-record them, and I won't do that until I get a reply back from the company that developed Action! Also, I just want a break from the Phantom of Venice demo with all puzzles and whatnot.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ramblings About Doctor Who

It's story time! This time it's time for My Doctor Who Problems. I was at a friends house and I couldn't leave. (The situation is complicated and too hard to explain.) Anyway, it was a Saturday night (March 30th, 2013 to be exact) and all fellow Whovians know what that means. It means that it was the premier of the second part of the seventh season of Doctor Who. And yes, I typed DOCTOR Who, not DR. Who. People who abbreviate the Doctor in Doctor Who give me a rash. I mean, it's not supposed to be abbreviated! And one more thing, he's not called Doctor Who, he's called THE DOCTOR! Back to the story. My friends have Cox so I was spending most of my day watching the Doctor Who marathon at their house. Well, my friends had to leave to go to a wedding so I was transported to another friend's house less than 6 minutes away. They just so happened to have Cox too. When I stepped into my friend's house I immediately ran down to the den to continue where I left off in my Doctor Who marathon. Here's the thing. I was so excited to watch it, but was horribly disappointed when I found out that they didn't get BBC America! I honestly thought that they would get that channel considering they had the same cable provider as my other friends, lived in the same city and state, and also lived less than 6 minutes away! I mean you could walk there! Anyhow, I was stuck in that house for the rest of the day, and I couldn't even watch the new episode of Doctor Who. My whole evening was ruined. I was able to watch Wichita State go up against Ohio State, but all I could think about was the time. Before seven o' clock I couldn't even keep my eyes on the television, only the clock. And while staring at the clock all I could think about was "I'm going to miss my Doctor Who episode" and "I hope they hurry the wedding up so I can get back to my other friend's house." Selfish, I know, but I really didn't care, I just really wanted to watch my Doctor Who! Here's the sad part of the story, and when I say sad, I mean you'll probably feel bad for me, as in, I need help. When seven o' clock hit I started to softly weep, knowing that I wouldn't be able to watch the new episode of Doctor Who that night. Tears were running down my face, and I kept telling myself "stop it, I can't get everything that I want" but it didn't help. The upside is that I never did full out cry thanks to my unemotional-less-ness! (Or emotional-less-ness, whatever means that I'm not emotional.) The End.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Video Recording is Officially A GO!

Alright so I have a new program that records gameplay better than CamStudio did, so I’m going to start off redoing everything including the DEMOs (which is the first thing on my list to finish!)