Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Unexpected Trip

So I took a vacation, and when I got back I was so excited to be able to finish up part 5 of SSH and finally edit, finalize, and upload it! Not too long after I got back from this trip did I finish editing it, but after I finished editing it, an unexpected trip came up. I have to go to Washington, and won't be able to finalize, and upload the video until I get back. I'm kind of sad about it because according to YouTube I haven't uploaded a video in a month, and that's WAY too long to keep you waiting, but when I get back from the trip, I'll finalize the video, then upload it!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Video Recording Problems

So, many of you guys have probably heard tell you that I've run into troubles. It's either my computer breaks down once, then I get it back and everything's gone, or parts of a video is messed up, and I'll need to redo it. Stuff like that. Well, I just need to tell you that it seems like with recording Nancy Drew games, bad luck comes. Anyways, I'm hear to tell you that something else happened. I kind of told about it in one of my blog posts, Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand- Part 2 Update. Well, I tried to get the messed up part fixed so I replayed the game again and after I finished that someone came and closed my laptop lid when I wasn't looking. Well, I was supposed to save it but for some reason I didn't. That was a big mistake. I've learned the hard way in the past that if my laptop falls asleep, or somebody closes the lid while the game is still in play mode, basically wasn't exited out of, then when I awake the laptop, I'm basically opening the lid up to a black screen with an error message in the middle. That error message is telling me that there was an error and it's now going to force quit the application, in my case the Nancy Drew game. So that's what I was afraid of when I went back to the laptop and the lid was down. When I opened it the game was forced quit and I forgot to save too, so now I have to play it again. Hopefully it won't take that long, and if I get that part re-recorded, then the editing should be a breeze since that part of the game is all I have to add in. Everything else is already edited. After I get that done then I should be able to edit parts 3 and 4 then upload parts 2-4 up onto YouTube.

Interesting Nancy Drew: The Deadly Device Artwork

Okay, so this is obviously the fake artwork for the upcoming Nancy Drew game The Deadly Device, but I thought that it was pretty cool, so I decided to share it with you guys.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to Install Older Nancy Drew Games to Windows Vista/7

I got questions about how to install older Nancy Drew to newer operating systems, so here's the answer. To Install older Nancy Drew games, like the original Secrets Can Kill for example, make a folder for the game. This folder can be named whatever you want. I would personally name it Secrets Can Kill, just because that would be the game that I’m installing. Now, this should work for all other old Nancy Drew games. Anyways, you can also put this folder on your desktop, or wherever. Now you can start the actual installation of the game. As you’re in the Nancy Drew setup, just keep installing it as you usually would, but stop when you get into the part of the setup that tells you the folder it will be installing it into. In my case, since I’m installing Secrets Can Kill, it will probably tell me that it will be installing in to a folder named: C:\Nancy Drew\Secrets Can Kill. You’ve probably seen this folder for all games that start with the C:\. If want this game to work on you’re newer operating system (Windows Vista/7) then you DO NOT want your game to install in the default C:\ folder. Instead install it in the new folder that you created. Once you’ve told the program to install it in that folder, then just install it like normal and once it’s done try playing the game and it should work!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Editing to my Blog

This post is kind of random and really contains nothing about Nancy Drew. You've may or may not have noticed but I've added a music player on to the top of my blog! I tried adding 23 more Nancy Drew tracks on to it, but it didn't let me. However Tumblr allowed me, so if you care to listen to some Nancy Drew music click here for my Tumblr blog. The purpose of adding a music player to my blogs was so if you were reading something on my blog, then you could listen to some Nancy Drew music, although with some people music makes it harder to read, but it's your choice. Also, I would just like to state that everything that's posted or gets posted on this blog also get posted to my Tumblr.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand- Part 2 Update

So I already uploaded Part 1, and I was hoping to upload part 2, but while I was finishing the editing of Part 2, I realized that in the end of the video, the video shifts to the right a little. Well, it seems that I accidentally put the wrong coordinates that the screen recorder is supposed to record, so now some of the Nancy Drew game is cut-off! Sadly, that's a part of the video that was saved, but then I saved something else over it. On the bright side it's an easy fix, but everything is going to have to match up perfectly, so I'm starting the game over to get to that point, and the next video of SSH probably won't be uploaded until either later tonight, or tomorrow.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tomb of the Lost Queen Arrived in the Mail!

Just got Tomb of the Lost Queen in the mail. My plan that I posted on my blog will continue, except it's going to be changed up just a little, basically I'm finishing Secret of the Scarlet Hand, then on to Tomb of the Lost Queen and so on.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Secret of the Scarlet Hand Re-Do Update

Okay, so believe it or not, I actually spent the whole day re-doing Secret of the Scarlet Hand, and here's the unbelievable part. Only two parts got done. Part 1 is going to be about 14 minutes long, and Part 2 is going to be a little less than 13 minutes long. I can't wait to try and finish it up tomorrow! It'll be just in time for Tomb of the Lost Queen since I ordered the physical copy.

Do Over!

So, last night I accidentally deleted the first part of part 5, and I can't figure it out, so I'm just going to do the whole walkthrough over. I have absolutely nothing to do today, so I'll just play Nancy Drew the whole day. Who knows? I might finish the whole walkthrough of it, it just won't be posted to YouTube. Then when I get Tomb of the Lost Queen, which should be tomorrow, I should be able to start that. After I'm done with editing and I get the videos on YouTube of course.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Nancy Drew Cursors

So of course if there's a new interface for the Nancy Drew games, then there's bound to be new cursors of course. Here they are:
The first cursor is the gem arrrow which is used for scrolling up and down, like in a task list or something like that. The second one is the rotating cursor, which is obviously used for rotating. The third one is something different, the hand! The hand is used for touching, grabbing, and manipulating objects. The bubble is for talking to characters in the game. Then, there's the big arrow, which is used to navigate around the game. Lastly, the fancy magnifying glass is used for looking close up at objects. It will light up when you can zoom into something.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Tomb of the Lost Queen Screenshots! (Continued)

Abdullah Bakhoum

Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen Trailer

Egyptologists and archaeologists are abuzz about recent discoveries by a university dig team, but suspicious accidents left the group isolated and leaderless. Is a curse burying their progress or is someone sabotaging their success? Find out as you assume the role of Nancy Drew and uncover the lost secrets buried within the Tomb of the Lost Queen!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen Characters Revealed!

The Characters for Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen has been revealed! You'll be able to interact with brand new characters, and an old character through the phone. Hint: she's from Treasure in the Royal Tower... It's Professor Hotchkiss! you'll be able to contact her through the phone it looks like.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Official Video Walkthrough Plans and a Little TMB Update

So I've made it official on what I'm doing. I was looking through some of my videos last night and this is what I've decided. After I finish Secret of the Scarlet Hand, I'm going to fix Message in a Haunted Mansion because the Firebird puzzle got cut off. Then I'm redoing Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, Senior Mode this time of course. After that I think I'll redo The Haunted Carousel, because it should be senior mode, but instead it's junior mode, otherwise I wouldn't redo it. When I'm done with that I'm going to redo the Danger by Design demo, because of an important part of winning that demo. Yes, I realize that more people care about the whole game than the demo, but since I've already decided... Anyway once I upload the redo's I'll delete the original ones so I won't have multiples of the same walkthrough. For the demo, I'm just redoing that one, but I'm deleting the other demos so when I upload the Danger by Design demo, all the other demos will follow. It seems a little ridiculous, but I'm a picky person. I should be done in time to start the walkthrough for Tomb of the Lost Queen by then. I'll be preordering it, so I should get it a few days earlier before it's released to stores. If there's a gap between when I'm done with all this stuff that I've listed, and when I get Tomb of the Lost Queen, and it's a big enough gap, then I'll do the original Secrets Can Kill. If not, I'll just do it after I'm done with the walkthrough for Tomb of the Lost Queen, then the rest of the Nancy Drew games. I think this is a really good plan, but I really want your opinions. So, leave a comment below, or message me through YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr. The links for my Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr are on my YouTube page. Her Interactive just released a background picture for Tomb of the Lost Queen. It's not incredibly exciting, but at least it's something. One more thing, be watching out for a trailer for Tomb of the Lost Queen! By the way Her Interactive worded it, it sounds like the trailer will be released in not too long.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Video Walkthrough Plans

I'm without a doubt finally uploading Part 3 of Secret of the Scarlet Hand. Maybe Part 4, but I haven't started editing that yet. I finally got around to editing Part 3 today, but at the last minute, right when I finished editing, I had to leave to go somewhere. After 4:00pm tomorrow (Chicago timezone) I'll review the video, make last minute changes, publish it to my computer, then I'll post it on YouTube. Also I decided on working on some notes for redoing Message in a Haunted Mansion, so it's not as slow at the ending, when I do the puzzle. Also, this time the puzzle won't get cut off. I'm also redoing Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, because of something that got cut off in part 3. I still don't know how I'm going to do it. My plan on Message in a Haunted Mansion, was just to get the saved videos I keep on a disk, put it in movie maker, cut out the part that was messed up, replace that with the newly recorded part. and repost it on YouTube. So everything would be the same, except I would solve the Firebird puzzle faster, and you would be able to see the whole thing being solved. I might want to do something like that with Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, where I just redo the messed up part, but the thing is, when I did that video, I was a rookie, not as good with the video recording process thing, so the quality isn't as good. I don't know, should I just do that, or redo the whole thing? I want your thoughts, so please tell me!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Updates on Tomb of the Lost Queen!

The computer icon for Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen has been revealed as seen below:

Also, Her Interactive has a Tomb of a lost Queen page up now, along with information and screenshots!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Re: Nancy Drew Sneak Peaks!!!

These pictures from my other post have actually been released to the public by the Her Interactive company themselves. Don't worry guys, I wouldn't post stuff that could possibly be fake. The thing is when you go to the Her Interactive website, they don't have it on the home page (I don't know why) they do have it on their Her Interactive blog, but it's not the amateur sleuth blog, it's the Dare to Play Blog. Sorry that I didn't back it up with the facts in the first place, I know now that with the new stuff that Her Interactive doesn't make incredibly public that I should probably back up. Also this is a blog that has the real Nancy Drew information from Her Interactive, it's not just a blog that takes information from other sites that could be fake.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Release Date of Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen

So the box art of Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen has been revealed and pre-orders start on April 3, 2012 and the release date of the new Nancy Drew game starts on May 8, 2012.

Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen Box Art

The box art for Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen has been revealed!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nancy Drew Sneak Peaks!!!

Just like Nancy Drew, I'm a sleuth, trying to find the truth!

So here's a photo of Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen

And here's the new interface of the upcoming Nancy Drew games!

The Main Menu
The Difficulty Screen
The Option Screen

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion Game Review

I'm a person who's fasinated with the supernatural things. Not like bigfoot, and even if it was that, no I don't think that bigfoot exists. Anyway, I'm talking about ghosts. There are a few Nancy Drew video games that involve ghosts in a way, but this one was different. In newer Nancy Drew ghost games, the ghost or supernatural creature would usually jump out at you during an unexpected time, or maybe it was expected for some people, but like Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge, that one was creepy in some parts, and things would jump out at you. In Message in a Haunted Mansion nothing would jump out at you, but it was kind of creepy with the whispers that you would always hear, and the unexpected shadows walking down the halls. I know when I saw that one shadow that walked in front of the door downstairs made me jump a little. That stuff is creepy. I think this is a great game for ANYBODY, even the people who don't like Nancy Drew, I won't say the same for people who like point-and-click games though. This is a very old game and is probably the next on the discontinued list if not already, but I doubt it's discontinued already because I saw it at Target. Anyways Secrets Can Kill and Stay Tuned for Danger are already discontinued, and I actually got those games very recently, (You can see in one of my other posts. It has all the pictures.)but that was only because I won the only auction for the only brand-new unopened Nancy Drew 1st and 2nd original games that they were. I got Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion last year from Amazon, and just so you know you can't get the 1st and 2nd Nancy Drew games from Amazon, because before I won that auction on eBay for those games, we went to Amazon, sent in an order for the first Nancy Drew game, and the order was cancled because they apparentley didn't have it in stock. Why would they have it up on their website if they don't even carry it anymore. Well, enough of me rambling on and on about this stuff, basically, just buy the game!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Nancy Drew: The Final Scene Game Review

I thought Nancy Drew: The Final Scene was a good, well-thought game. Some aspects of the game I disliked, but this is probably just me. Now I know that this is an older Nancy Drew game, so the technology isn't as advanced as the Nancy Drew games today but, I don't think technology had anything to do with it. First, I'm a person that likes somewhat bright colors, like Alibi in Ashes. the color used in that game was pretty good, but the color that they used in The Final Scene was too dull. It was dark, like the grocery store Checkers. Sorry if you like Checkers, but I don't enjoy Checkers because the floors are grey, dark, and the walls are painted, but a dark color. The lighting makes the difference too. The lighting is dark, but that may just be the Checkers store nearby me. While we're on this store topic, let's talk about Target vs. Walmart. My favorite store ever since I was a little kid was Target, but just because I liked Target didn't mean that I didn't like Walmart. No, I don't like Walmart for other reasons, and I don't know those reasons, but I can assure you it's not because I love Target. Any way I'm obviously off topic so let's get back on topic. The topic of the title of this post. So anyway you heard what I said about the use of colors, but other than that I think it was a pretty okay game. The plot of the game made sense along with the setting. The characters were nice, nice meaning I liked the characters, not nice like that characteristics of the characters, because Simone was obviously not nice, and Brady was a little self-centured when we first met him. I would probably recommend this Nancy Drew game to someone, but keep in mind I'm probably going to say that in every Nancy Drew game review I do just because I'm such a Nancy Drew fanatic!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nancy Drew Game Pictures

Here are the pictures that go along with the entry before this one... if you care:

Here's the rest of my collection:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Guess What I got in the Mail?!?!?!?

Today in the mail I got Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill (The Original) and Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned For Danger, both brand new, never opened, and still in that brand new seal! I'm very excited and I'm including pictures of what it looked like after I pulled it out of the package in a later blog... maybe tomorrow.

Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Remastered Game Review

I really liked this game, almost like the original Nancy Drew game called Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill (1998). I understand why they would redo this game for obvious reasons. The animation on the original game were cartoons, and they redid it to have more of a life-like feature with the 3-D. Now I understand that it's a remastered version so they have to keep just about everything the same, except for the ending and the 3-D images. Here's the thing, they should of got rid of at least one hallway, with these hallways you always find yourself getting lost. I can honestly say that I've never gotten lost in the hallways of the game, but I just need to look at the setting of the game and I basically remember it from then on. I will admit though, that there were some parts of the game where as I go along in the halls, as I'm walking I always had to think hard and ahead of where I'm supposed to turn so I don't mess up. After you've played it a little longer it gets surprisingly easy to navigate through the hallways. So since this was kind of the game that started it all... kind of. I have to say I really enjoyed this game a lot, and would recommend it to other people.

Nancy Drew: Alibi in Ashes Game Review

Nancy Drew: Alibi in Ashes was probably one of the most Nancy Drew games that sounded exciting, and everybody could not wait for the release of this game. This game was very fun, but at the same time it was also a let down. The trailers for this game, and the box art made it look like you could actually meet, and see one of the characters, Ned, but really they just showed you a picture of him. You can see what his face looked liked on Nancy's phone, and on the cover of the box. So that was a big let down, but overall it was a pretty entertaining game. You got to see Bess and George's face for the second time, but they redid their face which I didn't really like. I however did like Bess's new face, but I really disliked George's face. It wasn't really as good of a face like they had in Nancy Drew: Ransom of Seven Ships, but that's just my opinion. Overall I really liked this particular game just because of the setting, plot, and the use of characters, although like I said before, they should of physically included Ned Nickerson.