Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Secret of the Scarlet Hand Re-Do Update

Okay, so believe it or not, I actually spent the whole day re-doing Secret of the Scarlet Hand, and here's the unbelievable part. Only two parts got done. Part 1 is going to be about 14 minutes long, and Part 2 is going to be a little less than 13 minutes long. I can't wait to try and finish it up tomorrow! It'll be just in time for Tomb of the Lost Queen since I ordered the physical copy.

Do Over!

So, last night I accidentally deleted the first part of part 5, and I can't figure it out, so I'm just going to do the whole walkthrough over. I have absolutely nothing to do today, so I'll just play Nancy Drew the whole day. Who knows? I might finish the whole walkthrough of it, it just won't be posted to YouTube. Then when I get Tomb of the Lost Queen, which should be tomorrow, I should be able to start that. After I'm done with editing and I get the videos on YouTube of course.